National Centre for the Protection of Older People

The National Centre for the Protection of Older People (NCPOP) is an organisation based in UCD and who’s aim is to undertake a programme of research into elder abuse in Ireland.  The centre is funded by the Health Service Executive but run independently through a Board of Academic Directors and a team of Centre Staff headed by Professor Gerard Fealy

Through its collaborative interdisciplinary team it aims to develop a knowledge base of Irish and international research to contribute to the development of policy, practice, and education. The NCPOP website is a resource for all those working with or having contact with older people in areas such as health and social care including the provision of homecare, legal and financial services, as well as for older people themselves. Website link is here.

The NCPOP advocates on behalf of Older People on issues related to Elder Abuse.

The user group of NCPOP comprises the following organisations: Care Alliance Ireland; Law Reform Commission; Health Information and Quality Authority; National Disability Authority; Friends of the Elderly; Third Age; Age Action Ireland; COSC; ; Banking and Payments Federation Ireland; An Garda Síochána and Mens Development Network.

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